Convoy (2015 PC game) Wiki

Support Vehicles are available to the player to protect the MCV. Since the MCV has a limited number and type of offensive weapons available to it, Support Vehicle are responsible for the majority of damage dealt in the game. Support vehicles when properly postioned can shield the MCV from some damage by blocking enemy LOS. Currently there are 13 combinations of 2 Support Vehicles available to the player when starting a new campaign, 12 of which are required to be unlocked by performing different tasks, such as defeating the boss with a particular weapon set or defeating a particular character. The player may have a maximum of 4, and a minimum of 0, Support Vehicles in the Convoy at any one time. Some Camps in the game will provide the chance to purchase support vehicles, usually for 100/120 screws, and the player may also partake in missions which provide a Support Vehicle as loot upon successful completion. Support Vehicles found during the game, as loot rewards, can sometimes be powerful Variants with extra slots or increased stats. Support Vehicles may be upgraded with Screws at Camps and the Space ship Mercury to increase attributes such as HP, AP and range.

All items (20)