The Map in Convoy is a top down view of the planet Omek Prime, shown with hexagonal tiles. It shows area directly surrounding the Convoy and can not be zoomed in or out, or dragged. It is used in conjunction with the HUD to find Missions, points of interest (Random Encounters), Camps or the Space Ship Mercury. Random encounters will show up on the map as a yellow octagon, Missions as a Yellow octagon with an exclamation point inside, Camps as 3 grey cylinders, the Space Ship Mercury as a ship icon, the Convoy as a Blue Vehicle icon and the Boss as a Red vehicle icon. Selecting a Mission or Point of Interest from the HUD will show the distance in KM to the target.The map is composed of different types of terrain, where darker areas are considered low lying and white areas are higher ground. There are also Roads and City areas visible on the map. Terrain ownership by Factions can be spotted by the colour of of the hex tile in question:
Grey: Unowned
Red: Raiders
Blue: T.O.R.V.A.K.
Green: Privateers
The darker the colour of the hex the more influence a Faction has in that area and the higher difficulty Enemies the player will encounter.
Travelling on the Map:
The player may travel by right-clicking on the map. Moving costs fuel which can be seen in the top right of the HUD. Travel on roads and cities is the fastest and most fuel efficient way of getting around, followed by dark off road areas and then lighter areas. As the player traverses the map he/she will encounter another type of Random Encounter from time to time, these have no icon and seem to be to do with distance traveled or fuel used. Travelling by road can cut down the amount of these encounters the player has to face.
Note: The Factions will grow stronger over time and the colour darkens. If the player is too slow, they will have to travel through strong factions.
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