Convoy (2015 PC game) Wiki

The MCV is your convoy's main vehicle. There are currently 8 MCVs available for the player to choose from at the beginning of the campaign, 7 of which are required to be unlocked by performing different tasks, such as defeating the boss on Normal or Hard difficulty. If your MCV is destroyed, your game is over. It has four grey (MCV only) weapon slots and takes up two blocks on the battle screen. The MCV is usually located in the middle of the battle screen, but during boss battles will be located to the far left of the screen. The MCV has a high amount of maximum health and armour compared to the Support Vehicles available in the game, still, it will be the focus for un-aggroed enemy vehicles entering the battlefield. This makes positioning of the Support Vehicles and target prioritisation important for long term damage mitigation, thus saving the convoy Screws(cash) which can be spent on upgrades. During the game the player must complete main missions to find four parts to repair the Space ship Mercury, and these parts are carried by the MCV. The amount of parts the player can transport at one time depends on the MCV chosen at the beginning of the campaign, with some MCVs being able to transport as few as 1 or as many as 4 parts for the Space ship Mercury. An MCV that can carry more parts will find its Convoy spending less currency on fuel due to backtracking, but may be limited in other ways(low health/armour etc.).

All items (8)